The Chalice Friday, December 27 2024
>>> CLICK HERE FOR FULL EMAIL VERSION My dear family in Christ, It is with deep and conflicting emotion that I find myself writing this message to you. We have just navigated through Advent 2024 – a season of expectation and hope. And now, our hope is with us, as we once again celebrate and welcome with joy the ever coming of Christ into our world. But the moment has now arrived for me to share with you my departure from St. John’s. Bishop Provenzano and I have discerned that it is time for me to move on. The Spirit is stirring in me to grow and serve in new ministries within our vineyard. The diocese is large, the needs are great, and the deacons are few. I will preach my last sermon on December 29th and my last Sunday at St. John’s will be January 12th. I hope to see many of you on those two dates so we can celebrate our time together – 5 years, in fact! While this departure is earlier than planned, it will afford me the opportunity to spend much needed time with my family before venturing into new outreach work. I am grateful to our Rector, Fr. Duncan for his encouragement and leadership – giving me the latitude to discover my own ministry – which, in fact is not one ministry but many. And no ministry is done in a silo. You, the parishioners have been open and receptive to new ideas and are always ready to hop on board! I thank God for the work that Coral puts in to keep us all organized as well as to Alex, whose musical gifts are beyond amazing – and always profoundly touching and healing. Thanking God also for all the creative and vibrant ministries at St. John’s! So, I leave with sadness and joy. Sadness because I love you all – so deeply have you become engrained in my heart. The opportunity to accompany you on your personal journeys has been your gift to me. And I will miss you. But there is joy, because I know that you are a strong church and that you will thrive and continue to grow through the leadership of Fr. Duncan, Fr. Zach, and your Vestry – which has been so generous to me, and so creative in its forward thinking. May our loving God be with us all as we continue to serve wherever we are being called. God never abandons us, but at the same time, God does not stand still, and neither must we! Go in peace, to love and serve the Lord! Thanks be to God! Alleluia! Latest Posts