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The Chalice
Friday, January 28 2022

Jeremiah 1:4-5, 7-8

The word of the Lord came to me saying,

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,

and before you were born I consecrated you;

I appointed you a prophet to the nations."


Jeremiah’s call to preach was a job he neither asked for or desired. There he was, a young boy, from a family of priests living in a little town called Anathoth, located just three miles north of Jerusalem, where his family had been displaced years earlier by Solomon.


Simply minding his own business, God unexpectedly barged into his life calling him to be a prophet for God’s people. Has that ever happened to you? Snuggled up with a good book and all of a sudden you receive a prompting from God? Is it really you, God? You want me to do what?


That is exactly what happened to Jeremiah. Reluctant to obey, he made all kinds of excuses – too young, not experienced, not even able to speak before a crowd. “No God, I don’t think I can do that.” But God wouldn’t take any of it. No was simply not an option.


But the Lord said to me,

"Do not say, 'I am only a boy';

for you shall go to all to whom I send you,

and you shall speak whatever I command you,

Do not be afraid of them,

for I am with you to deliver you,

says the Lord."


This rendered Jeremiah speechless until Jeremiah remembered that the Lord had indeed provided all that he needed to go forth and do the work God called him to do.


I am always amazed at how God approaches and indeed chooses the most unwilling people to do God’s will. Why Jeremiah, so young and inexperienced?  Perhaps it is because God saw other qualities in Jeremiah that could be used effectively to bring God’s message to the people of Jerusalem, which was on the brink of collapse. He provided the words and the message, and learned to trust God’s promises to be with him.


When God calls us, it can sometimes be a frightening moment. We are not able to see the big picture, but rather only see our small selves not being worthy or capable of moving in God’s direction. While we too may banter a bit with God, telling him that we are too old, or too busy, or thinking, hey, maybe it isn’t even God that’s talking to me, or well, I might be able to serve on the Altar Guild but not now, maybe next year.


If we hang in there and continue to dialogue with God, we might begin to see things from a different perspective. We too might begin to enter into a deeper trust relationship with the One who loves and treasures us so. Moving beyond our fear requires being in relationship with God who holds you in the palm of his hand. That is not to say that the task God gives you will be easy, but you will know that God has your back. How could you go wrong? And, maybe, through God’s little nudge, or push, you will discover the amazing person God created you to become! 

In Christ's Love and Service,

Claire Mis, Seminarian


Posted by: Claire Mis, Seminarian AT 01:12 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
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